How to wash face with eyelash extensions

So, you’ve got those gorgeous extensions, and you want to keep them looking fabulous, right? Washing your face is a must, but you don’t know how to wash face with eyelash extensions? Don’t worry – we’ve got your back with some super easy and friendly tips to make sure your lashes stay on point!

I. The Importance of Proper Face Washing with Eyelash Extensions

Ensuring your lash extensions stay stunning involves more than just aesthetics – it’s about hygiene and care. The process of washing your face with eyelash extensions is often misunderstood. Let’s debunk the myths and clarify that, with proper techniques and gentle cleansers, your extensions stay secure. Embrace the simplicity of daily cleaning, choose lash-friendly products, and wave goodbye to concerns. Clean lashes aren’t just beautiful; they’re a healthy daily ritual. Dive into a routine that effortlessly maintains the radiance of your lashes.

Tips to wash face with eyelash extensions

II. Step-by-Step Guide: How to wash face with eyelash extensions

Step 1: Gentle Eye Makeup Removal

Say goodbye to your eye makeup using a lint-free paper towel and an oil-free makeup remover. Cut the paper towel into small squares, saturate with remover or micellar water, and wrap your lashes gently. No rubbing – just press and hold for a few seconds. Next, move to the eye area to clean with the leftover makeup remover. Remember DON’T touch the lashes. Keep doing it until your eyes are totally fresh.


  • Ensure you avoid cotton products, as lint can tangle with your extensions.
  • Use a makeup remover without oils, as it doesn’t affect the adhesive bond of the extensions.

Gentle Eye Makeup Removal

Step 2: Oil-Free Facial Cleanse

Dispense a generous amount of your favorite oil-free facial cleanser into your palms. Massage it onto your cheeks, forehead, chin, and neck in a circular motion. Steer clear of rubbing your precious eyelash extensions.

Step 3: Gentle Face Rinse

When rinsing your face with water, opt for cold or lukewarm water, as hot water can be harsh on both your skin and lash extensions. Cup your hands to create a water scoop and gently wet your face to remove any remaining makeup or cleanser. It’s essential to be gentle and avoid aggressive splashing, especially if you’re in the shower. This cautious approach helps protect your skin and lash extensions from unnecessary stress and damage, ensuring their health and longevity.

Gentle Face Rinse

Step 4: Optional Extension Cleanse

For those who want to go the extra mile in maintaining optimal hygiene with their eyelash extensions, regular cleaning is key. Using a lash-safe cleanser, gently coat your lashes and rinse with care. Daily cleansing not only helps prevent bacteria buildup but also ensures that the lash glue remains strong and durable. By incorporating this simple yet effective step into your routine, you can enjoy beautiful and healthy lashes without compromising on hygiene or retention.

Step 5: Delicate Drying Time

Let your face and lashes dry thoroughly before hitting the pillow. You can air-dry, use a lint-free towel to pat gently or employ a cool and low setting on a blow dryer. The key is to be patient and gentle to preserve those fabulous lashes. With your face, don’t over-dry it. Leave it slightly damp for better absorption of your next skincare products. Following these steps you will know how to wash your face with eyelash extensions, ensure your face stays fresh, your lashes stay luscious, and you go to bed feeling fabulous. Happy washing!

Here is another way to wash your face when having lash extensions by The Lash Lounge, you can find it in the video below.


III. Timing: When Can You Wash Your Face After Lash Extensions?

To ensure a clear understanding, it’s crucial to know the optimal time for washing your face after getting lash extensions. Forget the outdated advice of waiting 24 or 48 hours; the current standard is just 4 hours post-lash extension application. This short wait allows the lash glue to fully cure and become water-resistant. Dispelling myths about extended waiting times ensures proper lash care and seamlessly incorporates face washing into your beauty routine.

IV. Choosing the Right Face Wash for Eyelash Extensions

Keeping your eyelash extensions in top-notch condition boils down to one key rule: stay away from oil. How to wash your face with eyelash extensions? You must remember to skip cleansers with oils. These oils can mess with the glue, making your extensions fall out sooner than expected. Instead, go for oil-free, foaming, or gel cleansers, especially those crafted for sensitive skin. These options ensure a thorough cleaning without risking the lifespan of your lash extensions. Following this advice not only safeguards your lovely lashes but also promotes their overall health and lasting charm.

V. Frequently asked questions about how to wash face with eyelash extensions

Q: Can I wash my face in the shower with eyelash extensions? Yes.

Absolutely! Showering with eyelash extensions can be safe, but it’s essential to exercise caution. To protect your lash extensions, avoid direct water contact with your face. You can achieve this by using a handheld showerhead or wearing goggles during your shower. By taking these simple precautions, you can enjoy your shower while keeping your lash extensions intact and looking fabulous.

Q: Is it safe to use soaps on my face with eyelash extensions? No.

Traditional soaps can indeed be harsh on both your skin and lash extensions. Opting for gentle cleansers that produce minimal foam is preferable, as they effectively clean the lashes without stripping your skin of its natural moisture. Look for cleansers specifically formulated for use with eyelash extensions, as they are designed to be gentle yet effective, ensuring the longevity of both your lashes and your skin’s health.

Q: How should I brush my lashes after washing my face?

how to wash face with eyelash extensions

Brushing your lashes gently once they are at least semi-dry after washing is a crucial step in maintaining lash health and retention. Regular combing helps detangle your lashes, preventing unnecessary stress and potential lash loss. Use a clean, soft-bristled lash brush to carefully comb through your lashes, starting from the base and working towards the tips. Be gentle and avoid pulling or tugging on the lashes to minimize the risk of damage. Incorporating this simple practice into your daily routine can help keep your lash extensions looking beautiful and healthy for longer.

Q: Can I use a powerful shower head when washing my face with lash extensions? Nope.

Be cautious with high water pressure, especially if you have a powerful showerhead. Instead of directing the stream onto your face, use your hands to splash water gently. Remember, maintaining your eyelash extensions is a blend of gentle care and thoughtful practices. If you have more questions, feel free to drop them in the comments below!

To sum it up, we help you answer the question “How to wash face with eyelash extensions”. Follow these easy steps daily: gently remove eye makeup, cleanse with a lash-friendly product, rinse carefully, and let your face and lashes air dry or pat with a soft towel. Avoid oil-based products and harsh treatments for a seamless lash care routine. By dispelling myths and answering common questions, we’ve made caring for your lashes a breeze. Embrace the simplicity, and enjoy effortlessly gorgeous lashes every day! Cheers to the beauty of simplicity in your lash care routine!



10 useful tips for lash extension aftercare

The dos and don’ts of eyelash extension aftercare

How to wash face with eyelash extensions

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