How to store lash adhesive during winter

During the winter months, lash artists face unique challenges in maintaining optimal adhesive performance due to fluctuating temperatures and humidity levels. To ensure that lash extensions adhere effectively and last longer in cold weather conditions, proper storage of lash adhesive is essential. It’s crucial to store the adhesive in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources, while also maintaining a consistent humidity level.

How to store lash adhesive in the winter

Adhesive bottles should be tightly sealed after each use and stored upright to prevent leakage and maintain viscosity. Regularly monitoring the expiration date and rotating stock ensures that you’re using the freshest product for each application. Before each lash session, it’s important to perform a patch test to assess the adhesive’s performance in the current environmental conditions and make any necessary adjustments. Let’s embark on a journey on “how to store lash adhesive during winter”, ensuring your clients leave with stunning, long-lasting lashes.

Understanding Winter Challenges

Cold temperatures during winter can indeed have a notable effect on lash adhesive behavior. With lower humidity levels in the air, the adhesive tends to take longer to cure properly. This prolongs the time it takes for the adhesive to fully bond with the natural lashes. As a result, lash artists need to exercise extra caution during the first 48 hours after applying a new set or fill to ensure optimal retention.

During this critical period, it’s crucial to avoid any exposure to moisture near the lashes. Moisture can interfere with the adhesive’s curing process, leading to poor retention and premature lash fallout. Clients should be advised to refrain from activities that involve exposure to steam, water, or excessive sweating, as these can compromise the adhesive’s integrity.

Additionally, clients should be educated on proper aftercare practices to help maintain the longevity of their lash extensions during the initial curing period. This may include avoiding oil-based skincare products, using a lash sealant to protect the adhesive bond, and gently cleansing the lashes with a designated lash cleanser to remove debris and oil buildup.

Enjoy winter steaming

Winter indeed brings opportunities for cozy activities like hot baths, saunas, and steam rooms, but caution is crucial for maintaining lash extensions’ longevity. It’s essential to avoid touching or rubbing your lashes immediately after exposure to hot steam or water, as the heat can cause the adhesive to break down temporarily. This makes the lashes more prone to shedding.

However, once cooled off, the adhesive hardens again, restoring the lashes’ durability. Therefore, it’s advisable to wait until the lashes have completely cooled down before touching or manipulating them to minimize the risk of premature shedding. By exercising caution and allowing the lashes time to cool off after exposure to hot steam or water, individuals can enjoy their winter activities without compromising the integrity of their lash extensions.

Combatting Dryness

During the winter season, dry skin can pose a challenge to lash retention. Combatting this issue involves daily moisturizing to provide a healthy base for lashes to cling to. However, it’s essential to exercise caution when using moisturizers near the lash line, as certain ingredients can break down the lash adhesive.

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While moisturizing, individuals should be mindful of products containing oil, glycerin, or wax, as these substances can compromise the adhesive bond, leading to premature lash shedding. Instead, opt for oil-free and lightweight moisturizers formulated specifically for use around the eyes to avoid interference with lash retention.

By maintaining a consistent moisturizing routine with lash-friendly products, individuals can keep their skin hydrated without compromising the longevity of their lash extensions. This proactive approach helps to create an optimal environment for lash retention, ensuring that lashes stay in place even during the dry winter months.

How to store lash adhesive: Dos and Don’ts


  • Leave adhesive in a cold car or unheated salon overnight.
  • Place it near a heat source, as extreme temperatures can degrade its quality.


  • Keep the adhesive at room temperature at all times to ensure optimal performance.
  • Check the adhesive at least an hour before your first client to ensure it’s at the proper consistency for application.
  • Replace the adhesive within six weeks to ensure freshness and efficacy.

By adhering to these do’s and don’ts, lash artists can ensure that their adhesive remains in optimal condition, resulting in better retention and longer-lasting lash extensions for their clients.

Battle humidity problems

Winter presents unique challenges for lash extensions, particularly concerning humidity levels. The colder weather and occasional rain or snow can unexpectedly increase humidity, affecting the durability of lash extensions. Surprisingly, indoor activities like drying laundry can also contribute to this humidity mix. Despite lash artists maintaining consistent room conditions, clients may still experience unexpected lash troubles post-treatment. This emphasizes the need for both clients and professionals to adapt their lash care routines during the winter months to ensure optimal retention and satisfaction.

To address the challenges posed by varying humidity levels on lash extensions, a smart strategy is essential. Recognizing that lash adhesives can struggle in extreme conditions, CharmLash offers an effective solution: the super bonder. After checking for any stickies, a small application of Super bonder works like magic, instantly curing bonds and ensuring top-notch retention. This innovative product not only addresses concerns related to humidity but also adds flexibility to the cured bond, minimizing the risk of unexpected breakage. With CharmLash’s Super bonder, lash artists can confidently navigate winter’s unpredictable conditions, delivering exceptional results to their clients.

As winter sets in, indoor heating becomes a norm, leading to another challenge—super dry rooms. While it’s not as troublesome as overly fast-drying glue, it can mean longer wait times for the bond between the natural lash and extensions. CharmLash’s primer steps in as the hero here. Applied before glues, it guarantees the perfect conditions for lash bonding, resolving issues tied to low humidity. With CharmLash, conquer winter challenges and ensure your clients walk away with flawless, long-lasting lash extensions.

primer of charmlash
Mastering winter lash adhesive care involves understanding environmental challenges, adopting proactive habits, and choosing the right products. By following these tips and incorporating CharmLash’s primer into your routine, you’ll know how to store lash adhesive properly. It’s time to elevate your lash game even in the coldest of winters. Happy lashing!

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