As lash artists, we never want to trade quality for speed, but if there are methods to lash more quickly while maintaining high-quality lash sets, we are 100% in. Some useful tips below will help you cut down on the amount of lash extension process while still satisfying your clients’ expectations.
1. Setting up all tools needed before he lash extension process
Or, in other words, be organized! We all know from experience that rummaging through all the drawers to search for something wastes a lot of time. In the lash extension process, time equals money. Moreover, this digging around might give a bad impression to your clients, as no one wants to lie there for a long time with a lash set undone. It will be much easier if everything is in its place at the very beginning of the process.
The procedure of lash extension set up is personal and individual, yet we recommend that all tweezers, tape, and brushes are within your reach at all times. Lash extension process will be much shorter if you can sit down during the entire process with the tools needed right beside you.
The eyelash extension procedure needs you to be comfortable and focus 100%, so why don’t you put some music on beforehand? In addition, rhythm could keep you and your clients from getting bored for hours.
2. Using easy fans or premade fans
Creating a symmetrical lash fan is indeed not a simple task, especially if you are a newcomer in the lash arena. It’s when easy fans and premade fans come in handy. Achieving the desired lash extensions with a long retention period while reducing lash extension process time in half are reasons why you definitely should give these lash types a try!
On the lash extension wholesale market, easy fans and premade fans are diversified into many curls, lengths, and colors. You can check out our easy fans and premade fans collection for more information!
3. Using primer
Primer is used at the beginning of the lash extension process to get rid of makeup residue, proteins, and oils from natural lashes. This lash cleaning step is really important, as a well-prepared lash set increases the chance of success at the first application. No reapplication means no more wasted time.
Another outstanding benefit of primer is that it accelerates the drying time of glue, allowing for faster, more effective application. Besides, you get primer in various aromas, such as strawberry, citrus, or green tea, from your suppliers. These attractive scents will provide your client with a relaxing and enjoyable experience during the application, we promise.
Check out CharmLash for more primers!
4. Using the right adhesive
Lash glue has a direct effect on the performance of lash extensions. If you can choose the proper glue, there is no need to fix the placement or wait for the glue to dry. Picking a suitable lash adhesive is such a demanding task, as you need to put a lot of things into consideration: workplace humidity and temperature, your level, lash color,…
For the best lash glue choice, you can read our blog: Tips to choose the right lash extension glue.
5. Using the right tools
Not all lash types require the same tools. For example, if you apply individual lashes, you might need different tools from those used for premade fan applications.
As a lash artist, you should know what each tool is used for. For example, a tweezer is needed when you pick up and place lash extensions. Straight and curved tweezers with a fine tip are commonly used. Or every application needs eyepads to cover the lower lashes and protect your clients’ skin; adhesives are held in a glue or jade stone instead of anywhere else,… Mastering all these usages is a simple tip to cut down your application time.
Remember to choose high quality tools and make sure they are all sanitized beforehand!

6. Using lash map
As the name suggests, a lash map keeps you from getting lost in lash extension process. It outlines the exact place you should put a specific lash type; therefore, no more precious seconds are lost for thinking which to choose.
Lash mapping can be customized to your clients’ preferences and eye shapes to create a consistent and symmetrical lash set, which will certainly satisfy your clients’ desires.

7. Make sure the humidity is on point
You might know the profound impact that humidity has on lash adhesive. If the moisture level in your workplace is not suitable for the glue used, it can’t cure properly. You don’t want to sit there waiting for glue to dry, right? We recommend you always have a hygrometer or humidifier in your space.
8. Good lighting
Lashes are such tiny threads that they need sharp eyes and well-lit area to deal with. Light should come from all directions so that every single lash is in plain sight. Good lighting would significantly speed up your application process.
9. Magnifying glasses (if not see clearly)
If your eyes aren’t good enough to see clearly under bright light, you should consider using magnifying glasses. This tool especially comes in useful when you have lashed all day long and things start to get blurry.
10. Less talking
Or we call it “slient treatment.” Although having chitchat could deepen your relationship with clients, it seems lash extension process is not an appropriate time to do this. Talking means your client’s face is moving, and your brain doesn’t focus completely, especially when you two can’t suppress your laughter! This can prolong your lash extension process by a few dozen minutes.
11. Comfortable position
A proper position prevents strain or injury and makes your work more efficient. It’s crucial that you have a chair with appropriate back support and position yourself at the height at which you feel comfortable.
12. Taking break
Lashing can be a time-consuming and precise task. Taking a short break every time keeps you from losing focus or suffering from exhaustion. How to relax during eyelash extensions? You can take a deep breath, fix your posture, and talk to your clients. Breaks do not waste time; instead, relaxing in the right way is an answer to your question “How to lash faster?”
13. Practice
Practice makes perfect! Be patient with yourself and keep lashing and improving. The more hours you practice, the faster your hands become. It might be daunting at first, but surely worth it later on. It’s normal not to be good at something from the start. Getting fast at lash application needs hard work and sustained effort. The tips we give you are only helpful when you put them into practice regularly.
Hope this guide can help can shorten your lash extension process!
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