Author Archives: admin1

Fox eyelashes – The ultimate guide

Fox eyelashes - lash map

In the beauty trends, the captivating allure of fox eyelashes has seized the spotlight recently. Popularized by celebrities like Bella Hadid and Megan Fox, this look imparts a hot, lifted appearance to the eyes. To make this mesmerizing look accessible, many are turning to the world of fox eyelash extensions. This comprehensive guide explores everything […]

Swim with eyelash extensions – Can you do it?

swimming with eyelash extensions

Are you a water enthusiast with a passion for poolside relaxation or beachfront bliss? If you’ve recently adorned yourself with the glamor of lash extensions, you might be wondering, Is it possible swimming with eyelash extensions without compromising your fabulous lashes? The answer is a definite yes, but let’s delve into the intricacies, unveil a […]

4 major types of eyelash extension techniques: Classic, Hybrid, Volume, Mega volume

Eyelash extension techniques - hybrid lash set

In this blog, we’ll explore the fascinating world of eyelash extension techniques, focusing on four major approaches: Classic, Volume, Mega Volume, and Hybrid. These techniques can help you achieve the desired look for your lashes and elevate your overall appearance. 1. Classic eyelash extension techniques: The natural look What is classic technique? Classic techniques are […]

How long do lash extensions last? – Maximizing the Lifespan of Eyelash Extensions

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Eyelash extensions have become a popular beauty trend, offering people a way to enhance their natural lashes for a more glamorous look. But one question that comes up often is, “How long do lash extensions last?” Understanding the lifespan of these extensions is crucial for a few reasons. First, it helps clients know what to […]

Dealing with Short Stubby Lashes After Extensions

Dealing with short stubby lashes after extensions

Recently, you’ve just treated yourself to the magic of eyelash extensions, and you were thrilled with the results. But now, you’re noticing a not-so-magical change: your once-long lashes seem shorter and stubbier. What’s the deal? First, you’re definitely not alone in this. It’s a common issue, often caused by problems during the extension application. The […]

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